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22. Библиография

Масанобу Яманэ, Вэн МинЛу. Китайский импорт российского леса. Аналитический обзор. Институт Глобальных Экологических Исследований, Токио, 2000 г.

Администрация Хабаровского края. Международный тендер на право аренды участка лесного фонда "Сихотэ-Алинский". Хабаровск, 1997 г.

Bemmann, A. "Der Boreale Wald als C2-Senke". AFZ6, 1995.

Сеть сохранения биоразнообразия. "Биоразнообразие лесов". Вашингтон, 1998 г.

Бюро региональных общественных кампаний (БРОК), Глобальная сеть безопасности (GSN), "Друзья Земли-Япония" (FOE-J). "Нелегальные рубки и экспорт ясеня из региона Сихотэ-Алиня в страны АТР". Неопубликованный отчет. Ноябрь 1998 г.

Межрайонный комитет охраны окружающей среды юга Хабаровского края. "Анализ деятельности лесхозов юга Хабаровского края". Переяславка, 1998 г.

Александр Добрынин. "Леса Хабаровского края" в книге Джоша Ньюэла и Эммы Уилсон "Дальний Восток: леса, горячие точки для сохранения биоразнообразия и индустриальное развитие" (на англ.языке), 1996 г.

Dudley, Nigel, Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, Francis Sullivan. Bad Harvest? The Timber Trade and the Degradation of the World's Forests. London: Earthscan Publications, 1995.

Ефремов Д.Ф., Каракин В.П., Ковалев А.П., Шейнгауз А.С., "Комментарий к "Правилам рубок главного пользования в лесах ДВ", US AID, Хабаровск, 1998.

Федеральная служба лесного хозяйства, "Правила рубок главного пользования в лесах ДВ", Москва, 1993.

"Forest Fires in Russia will add to Global Warming." Agence France-Presse, Oct. 21, 1998.

Forest Fires on the Island of Sakhalin and Khabarovsk Krai. UNDAC Mission Report. UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), November, 1998.

Friends of the Earth-Japan, Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Sakha, and the World Conservation Union - IUCN, Resolution on the International Conference 'Biodiversity Conservation in the Russian Far East: Priority Territories ('Hotspots') and Strategies for their Protection'. June 16-19, 1998, Yakutsk, Russian Federation.

Friends of the Earth-Japan and World Conservation Union (IUCN). Priority Territories of the Russian Far East and Biodiversity Conservation: A Survey of Ecological Hotspots. Friends of the Earth-Japan & IUCN, 1999. In Russian.

Gordon, David "Siberia and the Russian Far East", in The North Pacific Frontier: An Overview of Natural Resources and Strategies to Conserve Them. Sausalito: Pacific Environment and Resources and Environment Center, 1998.

Greenpeace International. "The Carbon Bomb: Climate Change and the Fate of the Northern Boreal Forests" Amsterdam: Greenpeace International, 1994.

Hammond, Herb "The Boreal Forest", 1994.

Iremonger, S., C. Ravilious and T. Quinton. A statistical analysis of global forest conservation. In: Iremonger, S., C. Ravilious and T. Quinton (Eds.) A Global Overview of Forest Conservation. Including: GIS files of forests and protected areas, version 2. CD-ROM. CIFOR and WCMC, Cambridge, U.K., 1997.

Isaev, Alexander. Strategy for Conservation, Recreation, and Sustainable Use of Boreal Forests. IUCN Report, Moscow, 1996.

Jaako Poyry. Feasibility Report of the Amgunles Timber Project. March 1998. A feasibility study for the Pioneer Group.

Krever, V., E. Dinerstein, D. Olson, and L. Williams. Conserving Russia's Biological Diversity: An Analytical Framework and Initial Investment Portfolio. Washington, D.C.: World Wildlife Fund, 1994.

Lebedev Anatoly, Ivan Kulunziga, and Pavel Soldatov. Major Reasons of deforestation in the Sikhote-Alin region: A Case Study of Krasnoarmeiskiy district of Primorskiy Region. Paper presented at the Underlying Causes of Deforestation Conference in Costa Rica, 1998.

Miller, Elisa and Karp, Alexander. Pocket Handbook of the Russian Far East: A Reference Guide. Seattle: Russian Far East Update, 1994.

Minakir, Pavel et al. The Russian Far East: An Economic Handbook. New York: Sharpe, 1994.

Newell, Josh. JN Notes from the Field: Primorye, Khabarovsk, and Sakhalin Trip. Internal Report, Friends of the Earth-Japan, 1998.

Newell, Josh. Russian Far East: Forests, Protected Areas, and Biodiversity Conservation. Report Notes, Friends of the Earth-Japan, 1999. These reports note and the one listed above are the source of the numerous quotes from loggers, forestry specialists, industry representatives, government and NGO officals that appear in this report.

Newell, Josh and Wilson, Emma. The Russian Far East: Forests, Biodiversity Hotspots, and Industrial Developments. Tokyo: Friends of the Earth-Japan, 1996.

Port and Airport Bureau of the Niigata Prefectural Government. A Report on the Border Crossing Transportation Conditions between China and Russia. Niigata, Japan. 1998.

Pryde, Philip. Environmental Management in the Soviet Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Rosencranz, Armin and Scott Anthony. "Siberia's Threatened Forests." Nature. Vol. 335, No. 6358-1992: 293.

Sheingauz, Alexander. Forest Fires in Primorskiy and Khabarovskiy Krais, Their Causes and Consequences. Unpublished Report prepared for Institute of Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), 1998.

Sheingauz, Alexander S.,Vladimir P. Karakin, and Vladimir A. Tyukalov. Forest Sector of the Russian Far East: A Status Report. Khabarovsk-Vladivostok, Economic Research Institute, 1996.

Sparks, John, Realms of the Russian Bear - A Natural History of Russia and the Central Asian Republics. Boston: Little Brown, 1992.

Woodwell, George et al., "Forests: What in the World Are They For?" World Forests for the Future. Yale: Yale University Press, 1993.

World Bank. Russian Federation Forest Policy Review. The World Bank Agriculture, Industry, and Finance Division: Washington, DC, 1996.

World Rainforest Movement. Underlying Causes of Deforestation and Forest Degradation. World Rainforest Movement, 1998. URL:

World Resources Institute. Climate, Biodiversity, and Forests. Washington D.C: World Resources Institute, 1998. URL: See also 'Frontier Forests Project' on web site.

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